Our Services

Custom WordPress Website

Home Page

  • 3 image Slider each with heading and sub-text with link
  • 3-6 Idea Highlight Area
  • Call to action
  • Why Choose Us (Benefits)
  • Testimonials

Services or Products Page

  • Describes the individual services/products you provide (Various Formats Available)

About Us Page

  • About Us
  • Our Mission
  • Our Team (Up to 8 Persons/No individual links)

Contact Us Page

  • Address
  • Phone Numbers
  • Email Addresses
  • Contact Us Form
  • Google Map

Footer on All Pages

  • Links to Pages
  • Phone Numbers
  • Email Addresses
  • Contact Us Form
  • Other Miscellaneous Links

Domain and Hosting setup

  • Transfer DNS provider to your Google account
  • Help you purchase web hosting from a hosting provider
  • Make DNS changes to point to new web host
  • Install WordPress and other necessary software on web host
  • Purchase and install WordPress template
Website Re-Design
Websites can become out-dated and, if so, will not connect well with potential customers.  With a website re-design, we can renovate your website with a new theme, and a modern look that connects with today’s culture.  With our expertise and experience, you will love the outcome.  We will listen to your vision and take that into account in every step, ensuring you get the website you want. Note: This is only for WordPress websites.
Website Maintenance
A websites back-end needs to be routinely updated to protect it from the latest vulnerabilities.  This includes updating WordPress, hosting settings/software, and active plugins. This service comes at a low weekly fee, and ensures that your website stays secure and safe for its users.